Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Emily - Thailand - Fall 2007

Sawadii ka.So i'm in Chiang Mai thailand and it has had it's good and bad things.It's interesting to be here while all of the stuff in Burmna is coming tolight in the world. It's about time, because those people have beensuffering for far too long. And also during the time of interestingpolitical issues being brought up in Thailand--like a new constitutionbeing voted on and the ousting of Thaksin.I've learned so much about SE Asia that i realize how little Americateaches about it in school. They have such a fascinating history which isnot very old at all. Right now i have some downtime before i go to my Thailanguage class. Which is long, but Ajaan Tik (prof Tik) is very funny, andis very good at her job (she better be, she teaches Thai to USgovernmental officals.) I have been having a lot of fun conversing mymonks at Wat Chediluang (where i volunteer) i have gained much insightabout the sangha and Buddhism in thailand, which is another blog untoitself. Tonight other IPSL students and i are going to the AllianceFrancias to see a video called "Sacrifice" which is on the issue of humantrafficking (which is a huge problem in the US as well as SE Asia, soeveryone should do some research on it) -Emily Nagle


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Emily, its Kari from French class. I'm glad you're enjoying it over there. We're def. enjoying french this year much more than last year as im sure you could guess. I'm in the CPP class right now and I'm supposed to blog to someone so I figured for the culture shock question you'd be the best person to ask becuase you definitely took a chance and are doing something totally different than most people. I was just wondering if it was a huge culture shock and how you dealt/are dealing with it?

3:20 PM  
Blogger stwinb said...

Any tips for picking classes abroad?

8:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did you experience any culture shock? Was it hard to get used to living in a foreign country?

2:27 PM  

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