Shelley S. - Semester at Sea - Spring 2013

My voyage started in San Diego, California and will be ending
in Barcelona, Spain. On our way we will
be stopping at 12 different ports: Hawaii, Japan, China, Hong Kong, Vietnam,
Singapore, Burma, India, Mauritius, South Africa, Ghana, Morocco, and Spain!
Most people view this trip as a party cruise around the world, and I’m not
going to lie, that’s what some students treat it like. However, the majority of us, myself included,
are here for the experiences and adventures that are sure to inevitably change
our lives. As our academic environment
is onboard a ship, there are countless differences in the way our semester is
We do not have any classes while the ship is in port, which in
reality makes the school work more vigorous/rigorous than I imagined it would
be as there is such limited time on the ship.
We are all required to take four classes which, depending on the course,
are placed on either A or B days, this way you do not have four classes every
day. Although, we do have one day for
each class at one of the ports where we are required to attend what’s called a
field lab (which is like a mandatory field trip) and accounts for 20% of the
grade, work included. No one here babies
you when it comes to academics or documents, you are responsible for keeping
your things safe and getting yourself where you need to be on time… that
includes being back on the ship before departure time or else they WILL leave
without you.

I am very pleased to say that even with all the stress and
work this trip requires I wouldn’t trade this opportunity for a semester
anywhere else! I have met so many
amazing people that are sure to be lifelong friends from not just all over the
US but all around the world. The
cultural experiences I am sharing with these people are more valuable than
anything I could possibly learn from a book.
For example, we have the honor of traveling with Nobel Peace Prize
Winner Archbishop Desmond Tutu and have had the pleasure of hosting guest
speakers such as Hunter Lovins and representatives from the Nike Foundation.
For anyone hesitating or second guessing their decision to
study abroad DON’T! Even if you’re half
considering it I would highly encourage you to go as this is, believe it or
not, a once in a lifetime opportunity.
No matter where it is you’d like to study the likely hood of you having
the time or money to go there ever again is slim to none… that may sound harsh
but it is more true than most people have the heart to admit. I would rather
regret having done something than regret not having done it at all…
Thanks so much for taking the time to read my blog post and I
wish the best to all of you already planning their own adventures abroad! Still
thinking of EC often, Go Bluejays!
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