Dan P. - Germany - Spring 2013
The beauty of Elmhurst College
(other than the trees) is the fact that, for a small school, it actually offers
you quite a few choices in terms of where you want to study. For me, I knew I
wanted to study in a German speaking country because I’ve studied the language
for six years and wanted to convince myself that it was a real language that
existed outside of my textbooks. As a political science major, the IES European
Union program in Freiburg, Germany was just a logical fit. My choice was easy
but that’s not the case with everyone. I know a lot of people who agonized over
their decision and some who even think they’ve made the wrong one (Note: this
does not mean these people haven’t enjoyed their study abroad. I can’t say I’ve
met someone in my life who did not have fun abroad. It just means that their
‘home’ city may not have been the right choice).
At this point in the semester, you
probably already have a good idea about where you’ll be going next semester. If
you don’t, however, the most important thing to keep in mind is that you’re not
a tourist, you’re a resident. Try to do some research and pick a city where the
LIFESTYLE is something that appeals to you. Sure Paris has a lot of sights, but
in London you’ll actually understand the language. Barcelona may have nice
weather but Madrid has fewer tourists (and thieves). Rome may have delicious
food but German buses will actually run on time. There are a lot of things to
keep in mind but for me one thing stands out above all others: language.
My program is not a language
program. Most students who enrolled did so with no background in German at all.
All of the people I know who have expressed regrets about studying in Germany
count themselves among this group. Language is a big deal. Even if your classes
are in English, most things in non-English speaking countries are not. One of
my fellow students in my program told me that by far the most he has enjoyed
himself abroad was the time he spent on trips to Barcelona, Madrid, and
Majorca. It’s not coincidence that this student also speak fluent Spanish. He
chose the EU program purely based on the course content without consideration
that he would also be living in Germany for the entire semester.
This is not to
say, however, that you should only study somewhere you speak the language.
Learning new languages is one of the best parts about studying abroad. For
example, while I was in Prague I quickly learned that the little bit of Polish
I knew actually, with a few minor changes, translated really well into Czech.
Being able to communicate with someone in a language that you didn’t know
before the semester began is an incredibly rewarding feeling and the look on my
classmate’s faces when I flawlessly asked for directions in Czech is something
I’ll never forget. The important thing is that, if you don’t speak the
language, you need to be willing to learn. The same people who say they made
the wrong choice are the same people who refuse to take their German 101 class
seriously and never speak it outside of the classroom. One of the problems with
Europe, especially in the best educated parts, is that almost everyone will
speak English. I had to try really hard to break myself of the habit of
speaking English. Even after studying the language for six years, it can be
frustrating when you don’t know a word and it’s all too easy to switch over to
English. Don’t do it. Languages are a valuable life skill and something that,
with a little bit of practice, will be with you the rest of your life.

Whether you know where you’re going
or not, one of the things you are probably most worried about is money. Living
abroad is not cheap. You probably got told in class to think about how much
money you want to bring and then double it. Well, do it. More importantly, once
you get outside the country, do not be afraid to spend that money. I’m not
saying make it rain everywhere you go (especially in Europe, 1 Euro coins could
hurt somebody) but definitely do not miss out on great experiences (or food)
because you’re afraid of wasting money. I know a lot of students who have spent
the last month living on noodles and canned pasta sauce because they spent all
of their money having a good time and I know a lot of students who are
scrambling to experience things now that they skipped before because they
thought it was too expensive. I can tell you that the former are usually a lot
more satisfied with their time abroad than the latter. Regardless of how you do
it, you are in for the best semester of your life. Just know that there are
ways to make the best even better. Do your research, try new things, learn knew
languages, and get ready to spend some money.