EC students Rachel and Mary in Madrid |
Well happy one month of being away to me! I can't believe
it's already been a month and I can't believe it's only been a month. I
can't say it's my greatest experience but I can say I’m making memories and
working on me and all the possibilities I can have here. My main goal is
independence and that's been easy to work on that's for sure. My first moment
was when I got to the airport to fly to Madrid. My first flight was delayed, they
pushed us up a flight and my carry on couldn't fit above so I had luggage on
two different flights and was afraid I wasn't going to make the connecting
flight to Madrid. But I made it and so did my luggage thankfully! My first time
on an overseas flight was a new experience and a bumpy one but I met people
from my program on the plane and all the stress of getting to this point put me
right to sleep.
Arriving was difficult as we were all jet lagged but they
have a two week long jam packed orientation schedule that is supposed to make
you adjust to the time change and make friends that will be your “go to people”
for 4 months. That it did. They know what they're doing, just trust that. My
housing assignment is a homestay with a family and their 30 year old son, which
is normal in Spain because of the “crisis”. The family works a lot so I am
often home alone but I am getting past the point of feeling like I am in
somebody else’s home and am comfortable watching TV in the family room or
snacking in the kitchen (this took a while). The food is very interesting, not
what I was expecting. Ham is very popular, and there are a million different
types. Croquetas are fried balls of cheese, ham, and just so good!! Great drunk
food! Speaking of which, they don’t really have that here. Every time we go out
late, the typical time to come home is around 4AM, but you have to be sure to
stay on top of school work, as many people don’t have to worry about their
grades here, just have to pass the classes for them to transfer. When we are
done with our school day at 3, all I have is free time, as we don’t get too
much homework. This was a challenge and I have to say I turned to Facebook too
much for a distraction but all it brought me was homesickness. People are at
home having fun but that should be a motivator to do the same. Still working on
that one! Because of the crisis, Madrid is very common for pick pocketing, I
luckily haven't had that experience thus far but a friend has in a club and
another friend got drugged when a guy gave her a drink. It happens but if you
pay attention like Alice taught us, I'm hoping I'll be just fine!
At the beach in Valencia |
So my time has been a hard adjustment and too often I
think about the coming home aspect but I'm working hard on remembering this is
an opportunity of a lifetime. So I book a lot of trips, yes pricey, but worth
it. They're great distractions for me and really encourage me to appreciate the
opportunity to be places my family would never think to go to- Morocco, Prague,
Berlin, Vienna, Paris anyone? The possibilities are as endless as your bank
account, which wasn't that immense, but that's why I'm only able to mention a
few countries. Travel is cheaper if you do it right, however exploring Madrid
can be much cheaper and just as entertaining once I get a free weekend to do
it. The nightlife is crazy, not going somewhere until 1 am is so not Elmhurst
College, not coming home till 7 am is normal, and I get embarrassed if I get
home before the 30 year old son living in my homestay. My classes aren't bad-
they are all in Spanish but for the most part interesting aside from the
lecture style of classes typical to the program. Spanish history, Spanish women
writers, Spanish theater, things I'm able to appreciate around Spain are all connected
to things I learn in class! That is something I love and know I wouldn't be
able to do with many classes back home. Back to the Spanish, my homestay family
only knows it so that's great practice when I do talk to them, and classes are
all in Spanish, but you have to put the time in when traveling or with friends
because English is very common in touristy cities and it is easier to use
English when trying to communicate with friends around town. But Madrid is
great because I am able to learn real traditional Spanish- different from the
Latin American Spanish I learned at home, and not different dialects like the
ones I've noticed in Barcelona, Valencia, or Andalusia. I can rely on other
Elmhurst people in my program to talk about troubles away from home, or friends
I've made here. They understand, and I know if I tell my parents, they'll tell
me to come home. Friends back home don't understand it's hard to be away and
they're often busy starting their day when my school day has ended. But I'm
determined not to count on them as I can be independent!!! People go out every
night of the week. You need to limit yourself so that school is not nap time
and that homework is not neglected. But I do allow myself to have a good amount
of fun, especially on the weekends because after all, it is legal here! But I
am always sure to be careful and watch over the other people because a lot of
them don’t do that for themselves.
As expected, I went through the steps of culture shock
mentioned in the class, and this was not easy. The only reason I have time to
write this right now is because I am bored and can’t go to class because I have
the flu. This happened to be what the rest of my program got too but it is just
an awful feeling knowing that your Mom can’t help you or friends can’t bring
you stuff to make you feel better. It’s a very depressing time but I know it
will get better. My program made my doctor’s appointment for me, the doctor
spoke English!!!, and my Senora came with me and has tried to nurse me back to
health as much as possible but I still can’t help facing culture shock,
homesickness, and loneliness. Classes don’t look too bad right now. But the
nice thing is that my teachers only worry about my health and I don’t have to
worry about getting behind while I’m gone.
Well, I’m sure I could write on and on, because there is
always so much to talk about or reflect about. I definitely use my journal for
that because there is no way my family wants to hear every detail and we all
know friends don’t have time to listen with their classes back home. But I have
an optimistic future, and I hope I learn to love it here like everybody else