Anthony Z. - Granada, Spain - Fall 2013
¡Hola de España! About a year ago, I was sitting in my
dorm room with the brochures from three different programs across my bed, each
in a very different city on an opposite corner of the earth. It was immensely
hard choosing between Buenos Aires, Santiago, and Granada, but in the end, the
“Moorish Jewel” of Granada became my choice, and now that I’ve been here for
three weeks, I can see why it has received such a prestigious title. This city
is indescribably beautiful. Granada is a melting pot of past and present, east
and west, new and old, and familiar and strange. Every neighborhood here is totally
distinct from the next. Traveling one block can take you from historic winding
cobblestone streets full of Arab artisans and street vendors to modern marble
buildings that tower above a center that rivals those of any other European
city. The people here are incredibly friendly, albeit somewhat difficult to
understand, and are incredibly proud of their heritage as Granadinos. As a city
that is not as popular among tourists as Barcelona or Madrid, knowing only
English here will severely limit the amount of things you can do. If you want
to go to any restaurant or place that is not located on the few main streets,
you’re going to need to know Spanish, and I love that. Everything here is
incredibly cheap, and after hearing the horror stories of how much some of my
friends spent when they studied in other cities in Spain, I was greatly
surprised to find that things are cheaper here than they would be in the USA.
The IES program here is wonderful. All of the staff is
totally committed to making this experience great for us. One of the classes
I’m taking is an internship. Two days a week, I go to a local school to help with
its English classes. The students there are amazing. Because I’m one of the
first three Americans to help out in their school in this way, the students are
incredibly curious. Wherever I go, I get greeted by the students and am
bombarded with questions about what the USA is like. I’ve only been there a
week, and I can tell that it will be the highlight of my time here in Granada.
I’m living with a host mom who is a fantastic person and
an amazing cook, but some of cultural norms that exist in homes here have taken
me a while to get used to. For one, it is a major no-no walking around the
house barefoot or even with socks on. Because of this, slippers need to be worn
all the time. Also, because Granada is in an area with little water, taking
really fast showers is the norm. However, the largest single thing that gave me
culture shock is the culture of dogs here. In America, it is not uncommon for
people to let their cats out at night. In Granada, dogs run around unsupervised
during the day. Nothing really says “you’re not in America anymore” like seeing
dogs casually walk into a bakery to beg for bread. In addition, Americans tend
to baby their dogs and express how cute they are if one crosses their path.
Here, nobody pays attention or makes remarks towards strangers’ dogs, and I
have to admit I’ve had to restrain myself quite a few times from telling dogs
how fluffy they are.
For all of you Elmhurst students who know you want to go
abroad but are still unsure of the destination, don’t count out the smaller
cities. I am having a blast, and I have not even come near to being bored even
once. So far, with the program, I have been to Málaga, Sevilla, Ronda, and a
natural park known as Cabo de Gata. While I loved each of the destinations,
every time I’m gone, I can’t wait to come back to Granada. There’s just
something wonderful about this place, and I’m incredibly lucky to be able to
call it home (for the next three months).
Hey Anthony!
I'm glad you are having a splendid time in Granada! I think it is hilarious how you mentioned dogs coming into bakeries begging for bread. That is definitely not common in the US. I can imagine that you are having a blast learning about Granada's culture and just experiencing something completely new living in a spanish home. I hope there are many more great experiences for you to come in Granada!
-Erik Pantoja
Hey Anthony! I will be studying in Granada in the Spring and I am absolutely thrilled to hear you're having a great time! I know you've touched on some of the cultural differences (I'm going to have a hard time refraining from talking to fluffy dogs too), but what have you experienced in terms of culture shock? Thanks! Beth K. CPP250
Hey! Granada is so awesome! The whole dog thing just caught me off guard so much. It's just so different...
You have chosen an AMAZING city. I honestly feel a bad for people that only come here for a single weekend. In terms of culture shock, aside from the things I mentioned, personal space is another thing that will take a bit of getting used to. It's really common for people, mid conversation, to just put their hands on your shoulder. Nobody makes room for anyone else in the street... you honestly have to play Frogger in larger crowds. Also, I don't know if this counts under "culture shock" but Granadinos are incredibly hard to understand... I consider myself pretty good at Spanish, and I never really have problems understanding people from other parts of Spain... Andalucians tend to leave out sounds in the middle of words and speak quickly. It kind of caught me off guard how little I understood upon arriving, and after a month and a half here so far, I'm still adjusting to it. If you have any more questions or want to know of my favorite restaurants/places to see, I'd be happy to share that with you!
Good luck this semester!
Hey Anthony!
It's great to see that you're getting along well abroad, only a few short months from now, I will be going abroad as well! I was curious, did you experience any noticeable moments of culture shock? Im sure you did but if you could pick one example out, I'm very curious as to what happened and how you handled it. Thanks!
- Alex Cpp250
Hey Alex,
Aside from the things I've already talked about, another HUGE thing that kind of struck me as totally new (and still does) is that people do NOT wait in line. The concept of lines does not exist at all... There's a thing here that the locals know about which is called vicious grandma syndrome, where, because during Franco's time (when they were growing up), they had to push to the front to get food when they didn't have any, old habits die hard, and they still do that everywhere... at gelato stands, in the super market, at the fruit store, etc. They just cut in front of everyone and don't really think anything of it. When I first got here, I thought they were being rude to me because they knew I was an American, but now that I understand their culture and why they still do it, I kind of smile and laugh it off. Elders here get an insane amount of respect, so I've been super careful to do the same.
If you have any other questions, let me know!
Hi Anthony! It sounds like you had such a wonderful experience in Granada. I will also be studying abroad in Spain this upcoming semester and it is really interesting to hear about the cultural norms that exist in the homes. I will also be living with a family and I’m so glad that you had a good experience. Also, I was wondering if you could tell me the best way to travel around Spain and Europe overall. Would you recommend trains/planes or a combination of both? Thanks for sharing!
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