Study Abroad Kansai Gaidai Spring 2014, Hirakata City Japan

I knew that I had always wanted to study abroad in Japan I
just was not sure exactly where in Japan. I have been in the Tokyo area many
times before so I knew I had to do something different this time. I choose to
go to Kansai Gaidai University which is in the Kansai Region of Japan. It has
been such a great experience so far. In my seminar house I meet people from all
over the world. Many of the friends I have made here do not speak English as
there first language. I am not only learning about Japan’s culture but cultures
around the world (Korea, China, Sweden, etc).
The atmosphere at Kansai Gaidai is so friendly. Everyone on
campus is willing to help you and in the Seminar houses everyone is so friendly
as well. It really makes the experience much more special knowing that people
are so willing to help. I’ve only been here for a couple months now but the
friendships I have made are stronger than my friendships back home. Coming
abroad really opened up my eyes to how different people are but so similar at the
same time.
Famous Tori Gate at Miyajima Island, depending on the tide
level you can go and touch it.

Since being in Japan I have been to Osaka, Kyoto, Nara,
Hiroshima, Miyajima island, Yokohama, Yokosuka and a few more places. It is so
easy to travel in Japan, and the train are so “Benri” aka, convenient. What I like about the Kansai region compared
to Tokyo is that it is much more relaxing here and there is so much history to
see. When I go to Tokyo it is exciting but I only go shopping. In Kansai I site
see at temples, shrines, and see many wandering friendly deer! I have seen so
much already but still have much more to see. Coming to Kansai Gaidai has been
a great experience and I wish I could extend my stay. If you come here you will
not regret it.
The campus seems much bigger compared to Elmhurst.